October 26, 2023

Members of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia held a special meeting on October 26, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. in the Board Room of the Rotunda. The meeting was held in both open and closed session. Rector Robert D. Hardie presided.

Present in the meeting room were Carlos M. Brown, Robert M. Blue, Mark T. Bowles, Elizabeth M. Cranwell, Thomas A. DePasquale, U. Bertram Ellis Jr., The Honorable Paul C. Harris, Babur B. Lateef, M.D., Stephen P. Long, M.D., James B. Murray Jr., The Honorable L.F. Payne, Amanda L. Pillion, Rachel W. Sheridan, Douglas D. Wetmore, Patricia A. Jennings, and Lillian A. Rojas.

John L. Nau III participated by Zoom for the reason that he resides more than 60 miles from the meeting location.

Members absent: Paul B. Manning

Also participating were James E. Ryan, Ian B. Baucom, Jonathan Blank, William Burck (via Zoom), Jennifer Wagner Davis, Susan G. Harris, Christopher P. Holstege, M.D., Clifton M. Iler, Timothy J. Longo, Margot Rogers, and Zach Terwilliger.

Comments from the Rector

Rector Hardie thanked everyone for attending with such little notice. He then called on Dr. Lateef to read the motion to go into closed session.


Closed Session

At 2:01 p.m. the Board of Visitors went into closed session upon the following motion made by Rector Clement, duly seconded, and approved:

Mr. Rector, I move that the Board of Visitors go into Closed Session to consult with legal counsel and receive legal advice about specific legal matters relating to the November 13, 2022 shootings at the University, including potential litigation, where discussion in a public meeting could adversely affect an ongoing criminal investigation as well as potential civil litigation; and to discuss plans for improving public safety in and around the Grounds where discussion in an open meeting could jeopardize the security of the Grounds. The relevant exemptions are Sections 2.2‐3711 A. (7), (8), and (19) of the Code of Virginia.

At 6:15 p.m., the board concluded closed session and upon the following motion certified that the closed session included only matters identified in the motion authorizing closed session and lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements. The motion was made by Dr. Lateef and duly seconded and approved by roll call vote of all members participating in person and by electronic communication means.

I move that we vote on and record our certification that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements, and which were identified in the motion authorizing the Closed Session, were heard, discussed or considered in Closed Session.”


On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan G. Harris



These minutes have been posted to the University of Virginia’s Board of Visitors website.
